Elect Ken Again

Re-elect Ken Strickland Daytona Beach Zone 2 City Commissioner in August 2024

Ken Strickland

It has been my privilege to serve on the City Commission and be a true representative for the residents of Daytona Beach.

Ken’s Platform

Over the past three years, our city has grown. With all the growth, proposed and in progress, I will continue to represent residents and small businesses as a first priority. I will continue to spend your tax dollars with care, to improve your quality of life. Some initiatives we need:

  • Adopt development standards to foster sustainability and resilience.

  • New development must not be allowed to drain our aquifer for potable water while simultaneously causing flooding in older neighborhoods.

  • Our Main Street needs to be in the top ten of the Main Street America Program.

  • We need a cohesive, realistic plan for older neighborhoods to stop the flooding so prevalent during regular rainstorms and to keep them safe during major storms.

  • We need to develop more housing affordable on the modest incomes of too many residents.

  • We need to embrace creative solutions in transportation, zoning, and overall design.

  • City Hall must work closely with the County, State, and Federal governments to get all possible funding for much needed infrastructure projects.

  • Build public private partnerships with meaningful, enforceable benefits for residents.

  • Manage big events to end blight while meeting the needs of tourists and residents.

  • Continue enhanced investments in public parks, roadway maintenance, and upgrades to major thoroughfares.

  • Continue upgrades to lighting, cameras, and police staffing to keep our neighborhoods safe.

  • Preserve and, where possible, monetize our historic properties.

I will be your elected Representative, your voice on the City Commission. I will be a full-time Commissioner, attending monthly community meetings to hear directly from residents.

If you’d like to know more, please contact me via text message at 386-307-4253.

About Ken

I am Ken Strickland, current Daytona Beach City Commissioner for Zone 2. I’m running for re-election to continue representing the residents and businesses of Zone 2.

I moved to Daytona Beach in 1991 and began watching the workings of Daytona Beach City Hall, especially the City Commission. Attending Commission meetings became something of a hobby for me. Early on, it was entertaining, but as time passed, I became concerned with the unchecked power wielded by City Manager, Jim Chisholm. Whose vision was creating our future? Was it the manager we employed or our elected representatives who were supposed to supervise him?

When the real estate bubble burst, it created issues for many people, including me.  I found that I had some spare time and volunteered to help with the “Let Volusia Vote” petition on beach driving. The petition drive motivated me to get more involved.

I continued to attend City Commission meetings, neighborhood group meetings, various civic meetings, and city advisory board meetings. I learned from all the residents I met at each meeting. My resident activism taught me the concerns of citizens from every community in our city and their hunger to see their elected city representatives do better. 

In 2016, I ran for Mayor of Daytona Beach on a shoestring budget, entering the race with only four months to campaign. Despite the long odds, I came in second in the primary out of five candidates. I learned a lot from the experience and ran again in 2020, missing the general election by only 14 votes. In 2021, the Zone 2 commissioner left town and I was elected to the Commission in a special election.

It has been my privilege to serve on the City Commission and be a true representative for the residents of Daytona Beach.  I have been a “NO” vote when resident concerns were not adequately addressed.  And I have been a “YES” vote based on resident input rather than my own opinion.  In short, I represent the residents. Moving the city forward must be a partnership between the public and private sectors, where residents and city hall work together so the public stands on an equal footing. I will continue to represent residents in that effort.